Trips and Outings
Children are encouraged to go on a range of trips and outings from the nursery to promote thier understanding of the world
The benefits of taking children on nursery outings
Getting the children out of the nursery and into other settings can be very rewarding. Here are just some of the benefits:
- Outings can help the children feel more rooted in their local community and make connections with the outside world
- Outings can provide rich learning opportunities, including hands-on and interactive experiences, building on what the children are learning in the nursery (before, during and after the trip)
- Outings can stimulate curiosity and inspire new interests
- Outings can foster children’s social skills and self-confidence
- Outings can help promote healthy living (eg by encouraging walking and an enjoyment of the natural environment)
Koala Nursery endeavours to take children on trips and outings to enhance thier learning, especially when the outing is linked to a topic planned for in the nursery. A few examples of places that children may visit are:
- Zoo or wildlife park – learn about different animals
- Farm – feed the animals
- Library – find and read some books together
- Park – do a scavenger hunt
- Museum – do a trail or craft activity
- Theatre – watch a play or take part in a workshop
- Factory – see how things are made
- Fire/police station – find out about people’s jobs
- Shops – buy ingredients for something to make back at the nursery