Policies and procedures koala nursery
Food and Drink
The Koala Nursery Day Nursery is a no nut setting and regards snack and meal times as an
important part of the nursery day. Eating represents a social time for children and they are
taught the importance of making good food choices as part of an overall healthy lifestyle. The
nursery is committed to providing a wide variety of safe and nutritious food, which meets children’s individual dietary needs. This policy should be read in conjunction with the allergies policy and all other health and safety policies relating to food and hygiene.
? Menus are planned in advance and parents are notified via displays in nursery.
? Quantities of fat, sugar, salt, artificial additives, colourings and preservatives are kept
to a minimum.
? Foods from different cultures are always included to encourage experimentation.
Familiar food choices are always available to provide choice.
? Seasonality is always taken into account with meal planning.
Meal and snack times are used as an opportunity to encourage children to develop independence and social skills through making choices, serving food and drink and feeding themselves.
? Staff act as positive role models and are encouraged to eat healthy snacks and drinks
with the children.
? Children and staff wash their hands before every mealtime.
? Staff record the choices made for the benefit of parents.
? Children are not allowed to exchange foods with one another due to hygiene and allergy controls.
? The quantities of food given will be appropriate for the age and stage of development
of the children.
? Baby-led weaning is encouraged and children are supported to eat at a pace suitable
for the child.
? Any child showing signs of distress will not be forced to eat.
? Utensils that are appropriate for children’s age and stage of development are provided taking into account cultural eating practices.
? Milk and water are provided.
? Vegetarian alternatives are provided on days when meat or fish are served.
? Every effort is made to support religious/cultural requirements.
Koala Nursery
The Nursery is not registered as a food provider with the Local Authority Environmental Health
Department and undergoes EHO, however there the staff members are trained and qualified to
monitor hygienic needs for snacks provided. Our commitment to families is to maintain the highest
possible food hygiene standards with regard to the purchase, storage, preparation and serving of
food. Children are catered for at breakfast, snack, lunch and tea.
The Managing Director and the person responsible for food preparation are accountable under the
principles of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP). This is set out in the booklet
‘Safer Food Better Business’ and all staff will follow these guidelines. Risk assessments are applied to the purchase, storage, preparation and serving food to prevent growth of bacteria and food
The person responsible for food preparation and serving carries out daily opening and closing
checks on the kitchen to ensure standards are met consistently.
An appropriate number of employees hold a current food hygiene certificate.
? Within the kitchen there is provision for separate food wash, hand wash and dish
washing areas.
? Food preparation areas are cleaned before use as well as after using hot soapy water
and if appropriate adequate cleaning materials.
? Food is purchased from local, reputable suppliers.
? Food is stored at correct temperature and is checked to ensure it is in date and not
subject to contamination by pests, rodents or mould.
? Waste food is disposed of daily.
? All utensils, crockery etc. are clean and stored appropriately.
? Cleaning materials and other dangerous materials are stored out of children’s reach.
Children do not have unsupervised access to the kitchen.
? If children take part in cooking activities, they:
? Are supervised at all times.
? Understand the importance of hand washing and simple hygiene rules. o Are kept
away from hot surfaces and hot water.
? Where children and/or adults have been diagnosed by a GP or hospital doctor to be
suffering from food poisoning and where it seems possible that the source of the outbreak
is within the setting, the Nursery Manager will contact the Environmental Health Department
and the Health Protection Agency, to report the outbreak and will comply with any investigation. If the food poisoning is identified as a notifiable disease under the Public Health (infectious Diseases) regulations 1988 the nursery will report the matter to Ofsted. Koala Nursery
Allergies and Allergic Reactions
Managing allergies effectively and avoiding allergic reactions is essential to the safety and wellbeing of children.
? Following guidance outlined December 2014 additional Food Information Regulations
(FIR) were put in place, which require menus to be displayed visibly for parents to see. This
is essential information for parents, in order that they can identify when the 14 allergens are
used in any dishes. We also follow is requested during the registration/induction process. It
is essential that this is provided comprehensively and updated regularly.
? Staff are trained in identifying the signs of an allergic reaction and the action required
in the event of a rash, nausea, vomiting, swelling of the mouth or tongue, wheezing and anaphylaxis (examples only).
? Information about allergies is shared with staff and displayed in the room for all to
? Risk assessments are carried out on induction/settling in to ensure staff are aware of
the allergy and potential consequences of a reaction.
? A care plan is devised where necessary.
? Information about allergies is displayed in the kitchen for all staff and in the room.
? The catering and management teams work together to devise suitable menus if appropriate and allergies are handled in the following ways at meal times: o Food is served
on a red plate to children with allergies so as to create visibility and to separate their food.
o Seating is monitored for children with allergies; if appropriate they can be seated separately.
o Staff handle allergies sensitively and do not make children feel self-conscious if they
have an allergy.
? In the event of an allergic reaction:
o A first aid trained staff member will administer the appropriate treatment.
o The reaction would be recorded in the incident book and discussed with parents/a
signature obtained.
o If specialist treatment is required e.g. EpiPen, at least two members of staff plus a
manager will be trained in its use and supervise its administration.
o If the reaction is severe and hospitalisation is necessary, the parents would be contacted immediately after calling an ambulance to arrange to meet at hospital.
o All appropriate documentation would be taken to hospital and the child would be accompanied by the most appropriate member of staff. Koala Nursery
Use of Dummies
A dummy can often be a source of comfort for a young child and may form part of a child’s sleep
routine. Dummies can affect speech development as children are required to move their mouths in
different ways to make sounds, blow bubbles, chew food and eventually talk.
We will always discuss the use of dummies with parents taking into account the following:
? Dummies will be allowed as part of a sleep routine or to comfort a child who is upset.
Dummies will be stored in individual, named boxes.
? Dummies must be sterilised if dropped or if another child comes into contact with
? At times staff will discourage the use of the dummy, and will:
? Make the child aware where the dummy is stored.
? Comfort the child and make them aware if it is not the right time for the dummy.
? Distract the child and ensure they are settled.
? Offer alternative comforters e.g. A toy, blanket.
Explain that the dummy will be available when it is home time or sleep time.
If you are at all concerned about your child’s use of the dummy or nursery policy we will discuss
this with you at any time. If you need advice on weaning your child off a dummy please just ask.Koala Nursery
Sun Protection
At the Koala Nursery Day Nursery we want staff and children to enjoy the sun safely.
We work with the staff and parents to achieve this by:
? Endeavouring to provide as much shaded area as possible for the children within the
outdoor learning environment. For example, we have covered areas/playhouses in all gardens.
? Requesting that all parents supply sun hats and sun block for their children.
? Encouraging parents to send their children in wearing t-shirts rather than sleeveless
? Staff talk to the children about sun safety and provide a positive role model when accessing the outdoor play areas in hot weather.
? Children have access to water throughout the day.
? The Sun Safety poster is displayed and is visible to all staff.
? Our policy is to request that parents apply all day sun cream to their child(ren) before
• We recommend Ultra Sun very high SPF 50+, 10 hour protection.
• We advise parents to take advice from a pharmacist if their child suffers from a sun
cream allergy.
? We will keep special creams for children with allergies in nursery and reapply it should
it become necessary.
? Parents will be asked to sign to confirm that they have applied sun protection prior to
attending nursery.
? If the day appears dull but the sun comes out later then the staff will apply sun protection. Koala Nursery
Promoting children’s health and wellbeing is of the utmost importance therefore the nursery operates a strict no smoking policy within buildings and grounds. It is already an offence to smoke in
enclosed places and in order to comply all persons are asked to refrain from smoking anywhere
on the nursery site. This applies to staff, parents and carers, visitors and contractors.
? We respect that smoking is a personal choice however in order to protect everyone
we implement the following:
? No smoking signs are displayed throughout the building.
? Staff must not smoke whilst in nursery uniform as it is essential that employees of the
nursery are seen as positive role models.
? If staff choose to smoke during their break times they must change their clothing,
smoke away from the premises and wait at least 30 minutes before returning.
? We will support any member of staff who is trying to stop smoking.
? The policy set out also applies to electronic cigarettes.
We ask everyone associated with nursery to respect this policy and to support us in creating a
healthy environment and establishing the importance of healthy lifestyle choices for children from
the start.
Where medication is required, the nursery follows strict guidelines for its administration and management to avoid unnecessary risk and to protect both the child and members of staff. Koala Nursery
Procedures We ask parents supplying medication to follow the guidelines below, and to support
the nursery by providing as much information as possible and supporting the nursery in ensuring it
is administered safely:
Parental guidance:
• Medicines must be supplied in their original containers.
• Medicine must be handed over to the key person, with a letter providing permission to
administer it.
• Parents must advise nursery if the position changes or if alternative action is required.
Parents must advise the key person when the last dose was given, and the practitioner
must record this in the medicine log.
• On collection of the child, the key person will confirm medication given and timings,
and once again complete the medicine log accordingly.
• Parents must also sign the medicines log.
• Where ongoing conditions are being managed by medication parents must provide
comprehensive information and guidance from relevant medical practitioners and keep
nursery informed of any changes immediately.
The medicine log must be signed monthly for the management of regular conditions. Nursery
? Medicine is only administered to the person named on the container, and to the exact
dosage stated.
? Medicines will be administered by a first aider.
? When the medication is administered it will be done in a way most appropriate to the
If the child refuses to take the medication this will be recorded accordingly. Staff guidance:
? Staff have a responsibility to keep children safe therefore if they are unfit to work they
must not attend nursery (see also infection control policy).
? If a member of staff is taking medication that may induce drowsiness they must remain at home.
? Any medication required on a long-term basis must be securely stored out of the
reach of children and should be named.
Procedures for non-prescription medicine:Koala Nursery
? Medication permissions for branded medication e.g. Calpol should be completed on
? Medication containing aspirin is not permitted.
? If the nursery feels the child would benefit from medical assistance we will advise the
parents and if appropriate, withdraw the use of non-prescription medication.
? The nursery will always attempt to calm symptoms before reverting to medication.
Admission to nursery for children who are unwell is at the Manager’s discretion.
? Non-prescription medication will only be administered for a short period, after which
medical attention is advised.
? The nursery will not administer any medication unless permission has been obtained.
Where injections, pessaries and suppositories are concerned, specific training is required
therefore this must be discussed with the nursery in detail.
? Staff will check labels for pharmacist/dosage instructions, expiry date and patient’s
name prior to administration.
Procedures for storage of medication:
Medication for children must be clearly named.
? Emergency medication such as EpiPens and inhalers must be stored out of children’s
reach but must be accessible to staff for use in an emergency.
? Antibiotics requiring refrigeration must be stored in a separate fridge where children
cannot access it.
Manual Handling
The nursery’s priority is to keep people safe when working in the nursery environment. Steps are
taken to avoid hazardous manual handling tasks where possible. Where this is not possible, risk
assessments will enable the nursery’s management team to assess and reduce any identified
risks. For the purposes of this policy manual handling is defined as the transporting or supporting
of a load by one or more people including lifting, pushing, pulling, and carrying or moving of a load
by hand or body force. This policy sets out the measures taken to ensure safe manual handling in Koala Nursery
the workplace and the role and responsibilities shared by all concerned. The person with overall
responsibility in this area is Rakeeya Ayub, Managing Director.
Risk assessment
? Rakeeya Ayub has been nominated as the person who will oversee risk assessments
in the workplace. Where necessary they will appoint additional competent persons to assist
in carrying out of risk assessments.
? Any staff undertaking manual tasks will be consulted and risk assessments shared
and discussed in the interests of transparency.
? Manual handling risk assessments will be reviewed on a regular basis if the tasks
change, or some aspect renders them invalid.
Accurate records of manual handling risk assessments are maintained. Implementing improvements Staff play an important role in helping to identify problems and are responsible for raising
any concerns. Risks change over time and a process of continuous improvement is followe d
whereby incidents are logged and analysed with a view to implementing improvements to the process. In the event of an issue the nursery will:
? Take all necessary steps to investigate the matter.
? implement any reasonable and practicable improvements that might be required.
? Keep all employees informed and communicate key changes.
? The aim of risk assessments will be to avoid or reduce manual handling work by:
? Rearranging the task so that it does not involve handling loads.
? Avoiding unnecessary handling by improved organisation of work where this is practical.
o Introducing automated systems where possible where this is practical.
? Introducing mechanical aids where this is practical. o Improving the ergonomic design
of work tasks to reduce physical strain.
Information and training Any staff required to perform manual handling tasks will be provided with
information and training to carry out the work safely. This training will include: Koala Nursery
? The nature of manual handling hazards (i.e. situations that might cause injury or
damage to health) and associated risks (i.e. factors that increase the probability of something going wrong).
? The principles of safe lifting and handling.
? An understanding of how to assess risks and decide the best way to perform manual
handling tasks.
? Practical measures to reduce risk.
? How to use any mechanical aids that have been provided to reduce the risks.
? An understanding of any processes around manual handling.
? An understanding of the requirement to report any problems relating to manual handling to a responsible person so that corrective measures can be taken.
? The principle and process around reporting, analysis and correction of incidents.
Knowledge of the people responsible for assessing, managing and reporting risk.
Health and Safety in The Workplace (Nursery)
As an employer The Koala Day Nursery has an obligation to provide a safe environment for its
staff. This policy requires the co-operation of staff at all times in order to create a mutually supportive environment.
We take the welfare of employees seriously and have the following procedures in place to ensure
the safety and wellbeing of staff working in the nursery environment: Regular training and promotion of awareness of health and safety.
? Standardised dress code for nursery practitioners, which has been designed to be
appropriate for the work carried out in nursery.
? Personal hygiene is taken very seriously;
o Hands must be washed before food is prepared, after using the toilet or toileting children, messy play, and contact with animals.
o After noses have been wiped, tissues should be disposed of hygienically and hands
should be washed.Koala Nursery
o An accident report book is provided to staff in the case of an accident at work
? Regular cleaning routines (see related policies):
o Daily cleaning. o Regular bathroom checks.
o Nappy changing facility should be cleaned after each use.
o Mess is cleared immediately after activities are complete to allow for a clear and clean
o Kitchen staff are trained in food hygiene standards and follow rigorous procedures:
? Fridges are cleaned out weekly.
? Microwave cleaned after each use.
? Oven to be cleaned regularly, which is recorded.
? Freezers are cleaned out every 3 months and this is recorded.
? Cupboards are cleaned monthly.
? Fridge and freezer temperatures are recorded in the log.
? Food is prepared according to food hygiene standards.
? Cleaning and deep clean routines are followed.
? Children must NOT enter the kitchen area.
? Doors to the kitchen must be kept closed/locked at all times.
? In the baby room strict procedures are followed:
? Dummies are stored in named containers and must be put away/sterilised if dropped
or another child comes into contact with them (see related policies).
? Only pre-prepared formula milk is permitted, supplied by the parents. O
o Bottles should be clearly labelled with the child’s name.
? Equipment must be cleaned and maintained:
? Cot sheets are individual to each child and should be named. These are washed
? Surfaces should be kept clean and clutter free.
? High chairs should be cleaned and sterilised after each use.
? Toys should be sterilised regularly.
A deep clean takes place according to the nursery’s schedule. Children should also be encouraged to understand and follow good hygiene routines and practices, for example not eating food
that has fallen on the floor, washing hands before food and after toileting and wiping their nos-Koala Nursery
es/covering their mouths when coughing. This policy should be read in conjunction with others
e.g. intimate care, safe care and practice, infection control. Matters of health and safety are closely
linked and are the responsibility of all, therefore communication is essential.
Lone Working
Lone working is not advisable therefore the nursery endeavours to ensure that at least two people
are on site at any given time. Where it is necessary or unavoidable for staff to work alone, both
the individual member of staff and the management team must assess and reduce the risks presented by lone working and take all possible steps to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the individuals concerned. The nursery’s priority is to protect its staff therefore this policy should be read
in conjunction with the health and safety and safeguarding policies.
This policy is designed to:
? Alert staff to the risks presented by lone working.
? Highlight the responsibilities each person has in this situation.
? Outline the procedures in place to minimise risk. Procedures Risk assessments will
be completed for lone workers if the lack of on-hand support would put the individual at risk
should something go wrong.
? Before working alone, an assessment of the risks involved should be made. This may
be done verbally through conversation with a colleague or line manager or more formally in
? Every individual must sign in- and off-site.
? Any individual working alone must carry a mobile phone or have access to the nursery’s telephone at all times.
? Fire procedures apply for lone workers and individuals must continue to follow procedures even when the nursery is unoccupied.
? Staff are advised to stay in contact with a family member/colleague/partner when lone
working and to indicate how long they will be.
? Staff are required to lock themselves in the building when lone working.Koala Nursery
? Staff must not arrange meetings with parents or members of the public when lone
working. All meetings must be arranged during nursery opening times and when there is
more than one member of staff on site for the duration of the meeting.
? Late meetings must finish promptly and should not leave any member of staff behind.
Staff must not let unauthorised people into the building at any time – including when working alone.
? Staff should take care when entering or leaving empty buildings, especially at night.
Staff should ensure that valuable items such as laptops are carried discreetly when outside
the building.
? All nursery procedures for safeguarding and health and safety apply equally when
working alone on-site and must be adhered to.
Sleep is essential to children’s health and development. At a young age child many need to sleep
during their nursery day therefore the sleep policy has been designed to ensure children are safe
when sleeping and that official guidelines are followed, Sleep and behaviour are closely linked,
therefore please also refer to the behaviour management policy.
Sleep routines follow the procedures below:
? ALWAYS place babies on their backs only.
? ALWAYS remove pillows, quilts, comforters, stuffed toys, and other soft products from
the travel cot.
? ALWAYS, if using a blanket, put the baby with feet at the foot of the cot. Tuck a thin
blanket around the cot mattress, reaching only as far as the baby’s chest.
? ALWAYS make sure the baby’s head remains uncovered during sleep time.
? ALWAYS ensure the room temperature is 18 – 21 degrees.
? ALWAYS check babies every 10 minutes and never leave unattended completing the
sleep chart and keep the record for 1 month.
? Infants and toddlers are never settled to sleep with a bottle to self-feed.
? Children are never left to sleep away from the main room.Koala Nursery
? Children under six months or babies who are new to nursery are monitored more frequently until their sleeping pattern is understood by staff.
Children are not generally woken from their sleep; similarly, children are not forced to sleep or stay
awake to suit nursery routines; they sleep to their own pattern. The following provision is made to
ensure the sleep environment is safe:
? Room temperature is monitored and should be 18-21 degrees.
? Clean, light bedding is recommended and babies should be appropriately dressed for
? Sleeping equipment is compliant with British Standards.
? Cot sheets/bedding is personal to each child and labelled accordingly.
? Spaces around cots is kept clear of hazards.
? Any baby who falls asleep whilst with a practitioner is transferred to a safe sleeping
? Sleeping areas are kept clean and clear.
Staff are to observe children every 10 minutes while they sleep and record their findings onto a
sleep monitoring chart.
Parents are asked to provide as much information as possible during induction. If we are informed
that the baby generally sleeps on its tummy, we will explain the policy of children sleeping on
backs only when at nursery. Staff will record sleep patterns and share observations and information about sleep and behaviour.