At Koala Day nursery we have policies and procedures that govern our day to day practice.
We would welcome parents/carers feedback on these policies or ideas on any other policies we can implement to safeguard and support our children in the best way possible.
Please ask the Nursery Manager for a 'feedback' form for policies and procedures.
Promoting Positive Behaviour Policy
Statement of intent
Koala Nursery believes that children flourish best when they know how they are expected to behave and should be free to play and learn without fear of being hurt or unfairly restricted by anyone else.
Aim to provide an environment in which there is acceptable behaviour and where children learn to respect themselves, other people and their environment.
- All staff members are responsibility for issues concerning behaviour.
- We require the staff to:
- keep up-to-date with legislation and research and thinking on handling children's behaviour;
- access relevant sources of expertise on handling children's behaviour; and
- check that all staff have relevant in-service training on handling children's behaviour. A record is kept of the training + course staff attend.
- We require all staff, volunteers and students to provide a positive model of behaviour by treating children, parents and one another with friendliness, care and courtesy equally regardless of colour creed, etc.
- We require all staff, volunteers and students to use positive strategies for handling any conflict by helping children find solutions in ways which are appropriate for the children's ages and stages of development - for example distraction, praise and reward (emphasis on positive behaviour)
- We familiarise new staff and volunteers with the Koala Nursery's behaviour policy and its rules for behaviour.
- We expect all members of the Koala Nursery - children, parents, staff, volunteers and students to adhere to their codes of conduct and apply the policies in the appropriate manner.
- We praise good behaviour such as sharing.
- We recognise that codes for interacting with other people vary between cultures and require staff to be aware of - and respect - those used by members of the Koala Nursery.
- We never send children out of the room by themselves.
- We never use physical punishment, such as smacking or shaking.
- We do not use techniques intended to single out and humiliate individual children.
- We only use physical restraint, such as holding, to prevent physical injury to children or adults and/or serious damage to property. Details of such an event (what happened, what action was taken and by whom, and the names of witnesses) are brought to the attention of the Koala Nursery manager and are recorded in our Behaviour Management file. A parent is informed on the same day and signs the Behaviour Management file to indicate that he/she has been informed. We have a procedure for children who behave undesirably form action taken signature.
- In cases of serious misbehaviour, such as racial or other abuse, we make clear immediately the unacceptability of the behaviour and attitudes, by means of explanations rather than personal blame.
- We do not shout or raise our voices in a threatening way to respond to children's behaviour. But we make sure they understand what they have done wrong.
- We handle children's unacceptable behaviour in ways which are appropriate to their ages and stages of development - for example by distracting them or talking to them, or by withdrawing the child from the situation or activity.
- We work in partnership with all our children's parents. Parents are regularly informed about their children's behaviour and progress by staff. We work with parents to combat problems with their child’s behaviour by performing observations + keeping records to help us to pin point the reason for misbehaviour and to decide as a team of staff + parents how to take the appropriate action.
Bullying is the constant abuse, physical or verbal of any child or children. We take bullying extremely seriously at Koala Nursery and will not tolerate any kind of bullying.
If a child bullies another child or children:
- we intervene to stop the child harming the other child or children;
- we explain to the child doing the bullying why her/his behaviour is inappropriate;
- we give reassurance to the child or children who have been bullied;
- we help the child who has done the bullying to say sorry for her/his actions;
- we make sure that children who bully receive praise when they display acceptable behaviour;
- we do not label children who bully;
- when children bully, we discuss what has happened with their parents and work out with them a plan for handling the child's behaviour management form filled in; and
- when children have been bullied, we share what has happened with their parents, explaining that the child who did the bullying is being helped to adopt more acceptable ways of behaving.
This policy was adopted by ………. Koala Nursery
September 2020
Signed on behalf of the Koala Nursery
Abdo Naqeeb
Koala Nursery Complaints Procedure
Statement of intent
Koala Nursery believes that children and parents are entitled to expect courtesy and prompt, careful attention to their needs and wishes. We welcome suggestions on how to improve Koala Nursery and will give prompt and serious attention to any concerns about the running of the nursery.
We anticipate that most concerns will be resolved quickly by an informal approach to the appropriate member of staff. If this does not achieve the desired result, we have a set of procedures for dealing with concerns.
We aim to bring all concerns about the running of our Koala Nursery to a satisfactory conclusion for all of the parties involved.
To achieve this, we operate the following complaints procedure.
How to complain
Stage 1
- Any parent who is uneasy about an aspect of the Koala Nursery's provision talks over, first of all, his/her worries and anxieties with a member of Koala Nursery staff.
Stage 2
- If this does not have a satisfactory outcome, or if the problem recurs, the parent moves to Stage 2 of the procedure by putting the concerns or complaint in writing to the Koala Nursery Manager and the owner/ of the nursery.
- Most complaints should be able to be resolved informally at Stage1 or at Stage2.
Stage 3
- The parent requests a meeting with the Koala Nursery’s manager and the owner. Both the parent and the manager should have a friend or partner present if required. An agreed written record of the discussion is made. All of the parties present at the meeting sign the record and receive a copy of it.
- This signed record signifies that the procedure has concluded.
Stage 4
- If at the Stage 3 meeting the parent and nursery cannot reach agreement, an external mediator is invited to help to settle the complaint. This person should be acceptable to both parties, listen to both sides and offer advice. A mediator has no legal powers but can help to define the problem, review the action so far and suggest further ways in which it might be resolved.
- Staff or volunteers within the Pre-school Learning Alliance are appropriate persons to be invited to act as mediators.
- The mediator keeps all discussion confidential. S/he can hold separate meetings with the nursery personnel (nursery’s manager and owner and the parent, if this is decided to be helpful. The mediator keeps an agreed written record of any meetings that are held and of any advice s/he gives.
Stage 5
- When the mediator has concluded her/his investigations, a final meeting between the parent, the nursery’s Manager and the owner is held. The purpose of this meeting is to reach a decision on the action to be taken to deal with the complaint. The mediator's advice is used to reach this conclusion. The mediator is present at the meeting if all parties think this will help a decision to be reached.
- A record of this meeting, including the decision on the action to be taken, is made. Everyone presents at the meeting signs the record and receives a copy of it. This signed record signifies that the procedure has concluded.
The role of the Office for Standards in Education, Early Years Directorate (Ofsted) and the Area Child Protection Committee.
Parents may approach Ofsted directly at any stage of this complaints procedure. However, we would always strive to resolve the matter before the mater reaches this stage.
The address and telephone number of our Ofsted regional centre are:
Piccadilly Gate
Store Street
M1 2WD
T: 0300 123
Textphone: 0
161 618 8524
Ofsted details are displayed on our nursery's notice board.
If a child appears to be at risk, our nursery follows the procedures of the Area Child Protection Committee in our local authority.
In these cases, both the parent and the nursery are informed and the nursery’s Manager works with Ofsted or the Area Child Protection Committee to ensure a proper investigation of the complaint followed by appropriate action.
A record of complaints against our pre-school and/or the children and/or the adults working in our pre-school is kept, including the date, the circumstances of the complaint and how the complaint was managed.
This policy was adopted by Koala Nursery in August 2019
Reviewed in 15 September 2020
Director signature: Abdo Naqeeb
EQUAL Opportunities
Table of Contents
Koala Nursery aims to show respect to everyone that we come in contact with. We are committed to equality, value diversity and promote inclusion within our setting. We will not tolerate discrimination on grounds of gender, age, race, religion or belief, marriage or civil partnership, disability, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, pregnancy or maternity, ethnic or national origin. We understand that lack of attention to these factors can affect the well-being of children and may impact on their learning and attainment.
Koala Nursery is committed to providing equality of opportunity and anti-discriminatory practice for all children and families according to their individual needs. We foster a positive atmosphere of mutual respect and trust among children and staff. Our aims are:
- Provide equal opportunity and inclusion for all children and their families, regardless of gender, ethnic origin, race, colour, sexual orientation, marital status, family structure, social grouping, nationality, age or disability.
- Dealing with all forms of discrimination consistently, promptly and efficiently
- Comply with various Acts of Parliament, which have an effect on employment.
- Recruit, select, train and promote individuals on the basis of occupational skills requirements. In this respect, the nursery will ensure that no job applicant or employee will receive less favourable treatment on the grounds of age, sex, gender reassignment, disability, marriage or civil partnership, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation and pregnancy or maternity which cannot be justified as being necessary for the safe and effective performance of their work or training
- Make the best use of range of talent and experience available within the workforce and potential workforce
- Promote fundamental British Values of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths and believes
- Provide a childcare place, wherever possible, for children who may have learning difficulties and/or disabilities or are deemed disadvantaged according to their individual circumstances, and the nursery’s ability to provide the necessary standard of care.
- Ensure there is equal access to all areas of the curriculum for all the children in our care;
- Include and value the contribution of all families to our understanding of equality, inclusion and diversity.
The guiding principle is that every child matters and to that end we need to recognise the social, economic, cultural diversity of our society. We ensure that no-one feels excluded when they attend Koala Nursery on whatever grounds. Consequently, we must strive to:
- Treat each child as an individual and respect their religions and cultures.
- Encourage positive role models, displayed through toys, imaginary play, books and posters that promote non- stereotyped images. All children will be encouraged to join in all activities i.e. dressing up, role play corner, dolls, climbing on large equipment, bikes etc.
- Celebrate festivals throughout the nursery, including the events that are relevant to the children attending the nursery.
- Welcome any parent/carer who would like to be involved with widening our education about their cultural or religious beliefs.
- ensuring that children learning English as an additional language have full access to the curriculum and are supported in their learning
- Actively promote an open door policy within the nursery.
- Offer all activities and toys to all children regardless of gender and developmental needs.
- Update toys and other resources.
- Support the staff team within the nursery, offering hand-outs and training.
- Work alongside agencies when resources and relevant information is required.
The Acts of Parliament which apply are:
- Equality Act 2010
- Children Act 2004
- Employment Equality Acts 2006.
- The Sex Discrimination Act 1986
- The Race Relations Act 2000
- UN Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989.
- Special Education Needs and Disability Code of Practice 2014
We ensure that individuals are recruited, selected, trained and promoted on the basis of their own skills, qualification and experience.
- Posts are advertised and all applicants are judged against criteria required.
- Applicants are welcome from all backgrounds and cultures. Posts are open to all, subject to appropriate experience and qualifications.
- It is good practice that all vacancies are advertised, both internally within Koala Nursery, as well as externally. However, where it is considered that existing staff have the prerequisite skills, consideration may be given to advertising posts internally only.
- All members of the selection group will be committed to the inclusive practice set out in this policy and will have received appropriate training in this regard.
- Application forms will be sent out including the code of conduct.
- The applicant who best meets the criteria is offered the post, subject to references and checks by the Criminal Records Bureau. This ensures fairness in the selection process.
- All job descriptions include a commitment to valuing equality, inclusion and respecting diversity as part of their specifications.
- We monitor our application process to ensure that it is fair and accessible.
It is the policy of the nursery not to discriminate in the treatment of individuals.
- All staff are expected to co-operate with the implementation, monitoring and improvement of this and other policies.
- All staff are expected to challenge language, actions, behaviours and attitudes which are oppressive or discriminatory on the grounds as specified in this policy and recognise and celebrate other cultures and traditions.
- All staff are expected to participate in equality and inclusion training.
- We will ensure that staff act as positive role models to the children by setting a good example through their own attitudes and behaviour.
- We will encourage children to value and respect others.
- We will provide good resources within the nursery.
- To ensure our policy and procedures remain effective we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) statutory guidance and review our policies annually to ensure our strategies meet the overall aims to promote equality, inclusion and valuing diversity.
- We provide a complaints procedure
- We provide a disciplinary procedure
- In serious cases, such behaviour may be deemed to constitute gross misconduct. If this is proven, it will result in summary dismissal unless any mitigating circumstances apply.
- Ensure that children with Special Educational Needs will benefit from Nursery services.
- Our Special Educational Needs Coordinator in the nursery is Raqeeya Ayub . Part of her role includes ensuring that she works alongside the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice. This is a guide on how she should identify, assess and provide help for all children with Special Educational Needs.
- Ensure that all children, including those who are disabled or have Special Educational Needs, are included, valued and supported, and that any reasonable adjustments are made.
- Plan activities to enable all children with or without Special Educational Needs to explore and learn at their own pace. This will ensure that we are meeting each individual child’s needs.
- We work in partnership with parents to ensure that the medical, cultural and dietary needs of children are met.
- We will help children to learn about a range of food and cultural approaches at meal times and to respect the differences among them.
This policy is adopted by: Koala Nursery
September 2020
Abdo Naqeeb
Health & Saftey
Koala Nursery policies and procedures are at the heart of everything we do these include, health and safety, equal opportunities, child behaviors, parent partnership, staffing, Koala Nursery routines and child protection. These policies are fundamental to ensuring we always maintain the highest standards.
The key policy and procedures are the guiding principles for managing Koala Nursery. Our policies and procedures aim to explicitly define structure and to materialise its philosophies and vision; they are defined guidelines to be followed and to be referred to when necessary. Nonetheless, it is paramount to understand that they are not exhaustive and there are implicit expectations of a common-sense nature which may not be mentioned, but they are expected from all staff, students, parents, volunteers and community in general.
In trying to organise the policies by sections, we aim to facilitate its reading flow, but it is important to understand that the area that each policy covers might be appropriate and common to other sections as well. Thus, they are to be understood within a flexible reasoning. In order to keep these policies and procedures relevant, they are reviewed annually by management, or earlier if necessary.
The triggers for a new policy and/or procedure may include:
- Changes to the external operating environment;
- Changes to government policy or legislation;
- Review of the strategic directions of Koala Day care Ltd
- New initiatives within or across the sector or management areas.
- Need for consistency across areas of service delivery.
It is important to us that these policies and procedures are easily understood, we welcome all feedback, comments, opinions and explanations are always received and given with interest and respect (
How we communicate our policy and procedures
Staff team
New staff members will be introduced to our policies and procedures from the outset, starting with their inductions. Were they will be introduced to the company’s policies and procedures and receive a mentor, normally a senior member of staff, who will introduce them to the way in which we operate in term of the guiding principles of our policies and procedures. Staff will have access to a full set of policy and procedures. Any student or Volunteers will go through the same process to ensure they too have an understanding
All staff will be made aware of any changes and updates via staff meetings / one to ones where they will have opportunities to ask questions.
Parents will be made aware of the policy and procedure through the information pack and discussed during the registration process. All updates will be communicated to via the parent notice board and news letters and subject to having parents’ permissions we may utilise emails and text messaging. Copies of our policies and procedures will be made on our website and hard copies available to read onsite.
Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
The Statutory Requirement for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) sets the standard for learning, development and care for children from 0-5. This framework is mandatory for all early years providers (from 1 September 2014) and sets out the following principles:
- Every child deserves the best possible start in life and the support that enables them to fulfil their potential. Children develop quickly in the early years and a child’s experiences between birth and age five have a major impact on their future life chances. A secure, safe and happy childhood is important. Good parenting and high-quality early learning together provide the foundation children need to make the most of their abilities and talents as they grow up.
- The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) sets the standards that all early years providers must meet to ensure that children learn and develop well and are kept healthy and safe. It promotes teaching and learning to ensure children’s ‘school readiness’ and gives children the broad range of knowledge and skills that provide the right foundation for good future progress through school and life.
- The EYFS seeks to provide:
- Quality and consistency in all early years settings, so that every child makes good progress and no child gets left behind.
- A secure foundation through learning and development opportunities which are planned around the needs and interests of each individual child and are assessed and reviewed regularly.
- Partnership working between practitioners and with parents and/or carers.
- Equality of opportunity and anti-discriminatory practice, ensuring that every child is included and supported.
- The EYFS specifies requirements for learning and development and for safeguarding children and promoting their welfare. The learning and development requirements cover:
- The areas of learning and development, which must shape activities and experiences (educational programs) for children in all early years settings.
- The early learning goals that providers must help children work towards (the knowledge, skills and understanding children should have at the end of the academic year in which they turn five).
- Assessment arrangements for measuring progress (and requirements for reporting to parents and/or carers).
- The safeguarding and welfare requirements cover the steps that providers must take to keep children safe and promote their welfare.
Health & Safety Statement
Risk Assessments
Fire Safety
Equipment and Resources
Accidents and First Aid
Critical Incident/Emergency Evacuation/Lockdown
Lost Child
Sickness and Illness
Infection Control
Food Hygiene
Allergies and Allergic Reactions
Use of Dummies
Sun Protection
Manual Handling
Health and Safety in the Work Places (Nursery)
Lone Working
Health & Safety Statement
We have a legal responsibility to provide a safe environment for everyone associated with The Koala Nursery Day Nursery. There is a legal framework for health and safety, on which our policies are based. The legal context consists of:
- The requirements of the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), 2014.
- The regulations for the Health & Safety at Work Act, 1974 and any other relevant legislation such as Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulation (COSHH). Any guidance provided by Public Health England, the local health protection unit, the local authority environmental health department, fire authority or the Health and Safety Executive.
Our priorities are to:
- Create and maintain a safe and healthy environment throughout the nursery including outdoor spaces.
- Create and maintain safe working practices amongst staff and children.
- Minimise risk to health as a result of the use of hazardous articles and substances. Ensure staff are provided with adequate information about hazards and given appropriate training.
- Implement effective procedures for emergencies and evacuation of the nursery. Ensure these procedures are tested.
- Maintain a safe environment for expectant or new mothers, people with disabilities and special educational needs (SEND).
- Create a culture of awareness and encourage the reporting of risks and concerns for action.
Specific action is taken in the following areas:
- Entrances and exits are clearly marked and always accessible.
- Premises and equipment are checked regularly for defects and appropriate action is taken.
- All staff are trained in the procedures for reporting accidents.
- Action is taken to minimise risks of infectious illnesses transmitting.
- Changing facilities are cleaned and maintained in a hygienic state through rigorous procedures.
- Smoking is prohibited.
- Foods that may put children at risk are prohibited (e.g. Nuts)
Procedures for the management of allergies are followed.
- Staff know who designated First Aiders are and the procedure to follow in the event of an accident. First Aid kits are accessible and all staff know where they are located. Children are adequately supervised at all times.
- Students and volunteers are supervised.
- Neglect of health and safety considerations is a disciplinary offence.
- Health and safety issues are reported by staff and management take appropriate action quickly.
- The nursery has adequate staff on-site with paediatric first aid qualifications in line with Millie’s Mark.
Risk assessments are routinely carried out for outings, on equipment and any other aspect of nursery operations. Staff and parents are asked to contribute to the continuous improvement of health and safety in the nursery by raising concerns and highlighting them to the nursery management.
Risk Assessment
The Nursery aims to provide a safe, secure environment for all children, staff, parents/carers and visitors. Responsibility for managing risk falls to all adults in the setting, and all individuals should behave in a responsible manner that minimises risk. During daily life at the nursery, the emphasis is on balancing safety and security, whilst taking measured risks within clear parameters.
Key responsibilities for management of the nursery are as follows:
- Establish and communicate the ‘tone and culture’ of risk management in the setting – and the parameters we will work to collectively.
- Ensure there is a rigorous process for staff induction in the areas of safeguarding and risk assessment and that staff understand their responsibilities in this area.
- Implement appropriate processes for managing and monitoring risks and incidents, including periodical analysis of risk assessments to make informed decisions about the provision.
- Create a robust set of policies relating to risk management that are reviewed annually.
Key responsibilities for employees of the nursery are as follows:
- Complete and review risk assessments on a regular basis.
- Ensure daily checks are completed and documented, and risks are managed.
- Ensure risk assessments are stored centrally and are accessible.
- Complete risk assessments for indoor and outdoor equipment (see equipment policy) and nursery opening and closing.
- Record hazards and take appropriate action to ensure they are removed.
- Record incidents and ensure action is taken to prevent them from recurring.
- Analyse incidents according to the process for incident analysis and ensure action is taken.
- Review and communicate changes to the policy regularly, to ensure all staff understand their role and responsibilities in implementing the policy.
Work with third parties and local authorities as required.
- Communicate to parents and visitors the need to act responsibly to avoid unnecessary risk.
- Follow the processes and procedures laid down for risk assessments, analysis and incident recording.
- Support other employees through Observations to identify and eliminate risk where appropriate.
- Report all incidents in a timely fashion and record them using appropriate procedural documents.
In some circumstances additional risk assessments are required, for example:
- New and expectant mothers.
- return to work procedure after illness or injury.
- Outings (see Outings policy).
Third parties:
- All visitors to the nursery should be aware of the emphasis on safety and security and follow procedures for signing in etc.
- Third parties delivering services must comply with the nursery’s procedures but also take responsibility for carrying out independent risk assessments.
Fire Safety
At Koala Nursery we make sure the nursery is a safe environment for children, parents, staff and visitors through our fire safety policy and procedures.
The *manager/*designated fire marshal Rakeeya Ayub makes sure the nursery premises are compliant with fire safety regulations, including following any major changes or alterations to the premises and seeks advice from the local fire safety officer as necessary.
The *manager/*designated fire marshal has overall responsibility for the fire drill and evacuation procedures. These are carried out and recorded for each group of children every three months or as and when a large change occurs, e.g. a large intake of children or a new member of staff joins the nursery. These drills will occur at different times of the day and on different days to ensure evacuations are possible under different circumstances and all children and staff participate in the rehearsals.
The *manager/*designated fire marshal checks fire detection and control equipment and fire exits in line with the timescales in the checklist below.
Fire checklist
Who checks
How often
Escape route/fire exits (all fire exits must be clearly identifiable)
All Staff
All floors, backdoor
Fire extinguishers and blankets
All Staff
All floors. kitchen
Evacuation pack
All staff
All floors
Smoke/heat alarms
All Staff
All floors
Fire alarms
All staff
First floor
Fire doors closed, in good repair, doors free of obstruction and easily opened from the inside
All Staff
Front and back doors
An accurate record of all staff and children present in the building must be kept at all times and children/staff must be marked in and out on arrival and departure. An accurate record of visitors must be kept in the visitor’s book. These records must be taken out along with the register and emergency contacts list in the event of a fire.
No smoking policy
The nursery operates a strict no smoking policy – please see this separate policy for details.
Fire drill procedure
On discovering a fire:
- Calmly raise the alarm by *blowing the whistle/*ringing the bell/*breaking the alarm glass
- Immediately evacuate the building under guidance from the *manager on duty/*fire marshal
- Using the nearest accessible exit lead the children out, assemble at [In front of the building]
- Close all doors behind you wherever possible
- [the same instruction applied to the below ground level]
- [children with mobility difficulties the SENCO officer will monitor their evacuation according to their needs ]
- Do not stop to collect personal belongings on evacuating the building
- Do not attempt to go back in and fight the fire
- Do not attempt to go back in if any children or adults are not accounted for
- Wait for emergency services and report any unaccounted persons to the fire service/police.
If you are unable to evacuate safely:
- Stay where you are safe
- Keep the children calm and together
- Wherever possible alert the manager of your location and the identity of the children and other adults with you.
The *manager/*fire marshal/*team leader is to:
- Pick up the children’s register, staff register, mobile phone, keys, visitor book and fire bag/evacuation pack (containing emergency contacts list, nappies, wipes and blankets)
- Telephone emergency services: dial 999 and ask for the fire service
- In the fire assembly point area – [Infront of the Building] check the children against the register
- Account for all adults: staff and visitors
- Advise the fire service of anyone missing and possible locations and respond to any other questions they may have.
- Do not stop to collect personal belongings on evacuating the building
- Do not attempt to go back in and fight the fire
- Do not attempt to go back in if any children or adults are not accounted for.
Equipment and Resources
The nursery is proud that its settings are equipped with high-quality equipment and resources to consolidate and extend children’s knowledge, skills, interest and learning. It is vital that all equipment and resources are safe, clean, age and stage appropriate.
In order to achieve the aim the nursery ensures that:
- Play equipment and resources are safe and where applicable conform to the British Safety Standard or the Toy Safety Regulation 1995 and in line with statutory guidance outlined in the EYFS.
- The quantity of equipment and resources is sufficient for the number of children attending nursery.
- Resources are designed and organised to promote all seven areas of learning and development as outlined in the EYFS Statutory Requirements section 1.
- Books, equipment and resources promote positive images of people of all races, cultures, genders and abilities, avoiding any discriminatory practice and stereotyping. Equipment is made of a mixture of manufactured, natural and recycled materials which are clean, in good condition and safe for the children to use.
- Furniture and fixed equipment are age and stage appropriate and there is adequate furniture for adult use.
- Storage and display of resources and equipment allows children to choose and select them independently.
- Dirty or damaged equipment is either repaired or replaced.
- The provision of activities is planned both indoors and outdoors to provide a balance of familiar and stimulating equipment and resources.
- Accessibility is ensured for all children.
- Inclusion is considered when selecting and planning equipment and resources.
Accidents and First Aid
We aim to protect children at all times however accidents may sometimes occur. In the event of an accident it is essential that we follow procedures consistency to ensure all parties are cared for and supported, everyone understands the circumstances surrounding the accident, and appropriate actions are taken to ensure the accident/incident is reviewed and analysed with a view to minimising risk of recurrence in future.
The nursery is committed to ensuring ALL staff receive regular first aid training and are all qualified in paediatric first aid. When children are taken on outings there are always first aiders present and a first aid box always travels with the group.
We follow rigorous procedures for responding to, recording and analysing accidents/incidents. The reporting of major accidents, deaths and dangerous occurrences is a statutory health and safety requirement. Any such accidents will be reported by Health and Safety Officer/Manager to OFSTED and RIDDOR [in line with reporting of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences regulations 1995]. The following procedures support all individuals affected by the incident as well as the nursery’s staff:
- The immediate priority is to care for the child and ensure appropriate first aid is administered.
- The child’s parents will be notified as soon as possible of the accident.
- ALL accidents are recorded, regardless of the perceived level of seriousness.
- Accidents are recorded on the accident log book and signed by the member of staff who witnessed the accident as soon as possible after occurrence. Other member of staff present at the time should also sign the log book.
- Depending on the seriousness of the accident/incident, members of staff should be asked to provide witness statements.
- Parents must be shown the accident report on collection of the child, be made aware of and first aid administered and asked to sign the report.
- For bumps to the head parents will receive a text message alert and a bumped head slip on collection.
- The accident will also be recorded in the child’s daily diary.
- The nursery manager will: o Report serious incidents to Ofsted and the local authority’s children’s social care team where necessary.
- Report serious accidents to RIDDOR (as above). o Report relevant accidents/incidents to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).
- Reporting should take place within 14 days of the incident. Staff must wear personal protective equipment (PPE) to protect themselves and the child, particularly when dealing with tasks requiring contact with bodily fluids. Note the colour coding for cleaning equipment (see infection control policy).
- If a needle is found the local authority must be contacted immediately to arrange disposal.
- Where blood is concerned, again staff use protective equipment such as disposable gloves.
- Blood spillage is wiped immediately with disposable cloths and treated with neat disinfectant/bleach and disposed with in separate clinical waste bin.
- Each room reviews accidents termly to identify patterns, for example a particular area in the nursery, a particular time of day or piece of equipment.
- Patterns will be reviewed by the nursery manager and appropriate action taken (risk assessments, removal of equipment etc.)
Critical Incident/Emergency Evacuation/Lockdown
The nursery has an obligation to be prepared for every eventuality. Emergency situations rarely occur however we need to be prepared and vigilant in the event that we need to take urgent action to evacuate the nursery. Emergencies can be categorised as:
Flood Fire ? Burglary ? Abduction or threat of abduction of a child ? Terrorist attack ? Bomb threat ? Any other major incident that would put the children and adults in nursery at risk
In the event of an emergency parents would be contacted immediately. All reasonable steps are taken to prevent critical incidents however there will always be a degree of risk.
The following procedures apply:
- The nursery complies with statutory regulations as set out in the EYFS.
- Fire doors are clearly marked, never obstructed and easily opened from the inside.
- The fire safety risk assessments are reviewed and updated by the owners annually. Any relevant amendments are made as required.
- Staff will attend up to date training as and when required and is aware of relevant changes to legislation and procedures.
- Smoke detectors/alarms and fire-fighting appliances conform to BSEN standards, are fitted in appropriate high risk areas of the building and are checked as specified by the manufacturer.
- PAT testing takes place annually as well as annual inspections of fire equipment by a reputable company.
- Emergency evacuation procedures are approved by a fire safety officer and are clearly displayed in each room in the building and the main office.
- All staff are made aware of the fire and emergency evacuation procedures on induction and updated when relevant changes are made.
- Fire and emergency evacuation drills are carried out on a regular basis (every six weeks) and a record of this is kept in the fire log.
- Servicing of fire safety equipment and smoke detectors are carried out by an external company and a record of this servicing is kept in the main office.
- Staff from the rooms will take red evacuation bags containing contact numbers and children’s medication.
- The manager will make decisions as required and keep parents informed.
- Anyone discovering a potentially critical risk should call 999 immediately and alert the most senior member of staff on the premises.
If an evacuation is necessary:
- On hearing the alarm senior staff are to gather the children and team, take the register and children’s emergency contact details, and exit the building through the nearest emergency exit.
- The most senior manager in the building will take charge of the evacuation and check ALL rooms to ensure that no one is left in the building. They will also take the staff register, visitor book, mobile phone and first aid kit and ensure everyone is accounted for.
- All persons must proceed to the evacuation assembly point in the Front Yard `.
- When everyone is assembled Room Leaders must ensure that all children are accounted for by taking the register.
- No one is to re-enter the building until advised it is safe to do so.
- In some instances evacuation may not be appropriate and the reverse will apply, when the nursery must go into ‘lockdown’ mode. Lockdown would allow for safeguarding inside the nursery if required, for example in the event of a civil disturbance in the area, terrorist incident or environmental risk (smoke etc.) Children will be kept away from doors and windows. The Manager is the only authorised person to give the ‘all clear’ signal once any incident has concluded. All reasonable steps are taken to safeguard children (please see safeguarding policies):
- Anyone lingering on the premises with no designated purpose must be reported to the manager for action.
- Children will only be released to designated adults.
- Parents are asked to keep the nursery informed of any matters relating to the custody of children. If a court order applies the nursery must be made aware. All staff are requested to wait for instructions from the most senior member of staff on-site who will manage the procedure. In such circumstances everyone is asked to stay calm, obey instructions and avoid unnecessary risks. In the event of a critical incident Ofsted will be informed by the nursery and full details of the incident will be recorded in the incident log.
The nursery is aware of the reliance families place on availability of the service we operate therefore we always endeavour to prepare for adverse weather in advance. However on occasions extreme weather conditions do arise, therefore this policy sets out the action the nursery will take to remain operational.
All decisions will be made in the context of the safety of children, staff and parents. If the weather conditions are deemed to put children at risk we will not take children outside for outdoor play.
- In the event of dense fog or heavy snow fall the manager will take the decision to close the nursery.
- Where extremely hot weather is concerned, the nursery will be cooled and children will not be taken outside. Please also refer to the sun protection policy.
- In the event of a flood the critical incident policy will be followed.
- If staff shortages arise that impact the required ratios of staff: children the nursery will recruit temporary cover.
- If we are unable to reach the required ratios Ofsted will be informed and a decision will be made in consultation with them. If the nursery management decides the nursery must be closed during the day, parents will be informed and asked to collect their children. If the nursery cannot open parents will be contacted in advance.
- This policy should be considered in parallel with the critical incident policy where appropriate. Parents should be reassured that we will always take all necessary precautions to remain operational.
The safety of all children in the nursery’s care is of paramount importance. In the unlikely event that a child goes missing either on the nursery premises or during an outing there are strict guidelines for reporting and managing the incident.
As soon as a child is identified as missing the following procedures will be implemented:
- The most senior member of staff on site will inform the police and the child’s parents.
- A photograph and description of the child are assembled.
- Staff will be informed and divided into groups; one to start a search and another to care for the remaining children, giving them support and reassurance, following normal nursery routines.
- Ofsted will be informed.
- The nursery manager will follow all instructions provided by the police and will remain with the parents.
- No one is to speak to the media.
- As soon as practicable the incident is documented:
- The incident is recorded in the incident log.
- Post-incident risk analysis is completed to identify areas of exposure and appropriate action taken to remove them.
- Support is offered to all affected by the incident.
In the unlikely event that the child is not found the nursery will follow the advice of all external bodies (the police, local authority etc.) Where nursery Outings are concerned:
- Staff must follow all procedures for taking the register of children and regularly checking headcount.
- If a child goes missing:
- Security will be alerted and an immediate search initiated.
- The designated person in charge of the outing will contact the nursery to inform the manager, who will contact the parents and the police.
- Staff on the outing should remain calm and reassure the remaining children. The staff team should be divided to conduct the search and to care for the children. Ratios must be adhered to therefore if additional cover is required the manager at the nursery will arrange this.
- Ofsted will be informed.
- The nursery manager will follow all instructions provided by the police.
- No one is to speak to the media.
- As soon as practicable the incident is documented:
- The incident is recorded in the incident log.
- Post-incident risk analysis is completed to identify areas of exposure and appropriate action taken to remove them.
- Support is offered to all affected by the incident.
- In the unlikely event that the child is not found the nursery will follow the advice of all external bodies (the police, local authority etc.)
Sickness and Illness
It is in everyone’s interests that we promote good health and do everything possible to keep children healthy. We implement policies relating to sickness and illness, to minimise risk for all.
- In order to minimise the spread of infection we implement the following procedures:
- If a child becomes ill during the nursery day we contact the parents to collect the child. In the mean time we care for the child in a quiet, calm area with their key person wherever possible.
- In order to protect all children, we follow guidance set down by Public Health England in Guidance on Infection Control in Schools and other Child Care Settings for the exclusion of children with infectious illnesses e.g. sickness and diarrhea, measles, chicken pox, etc.
- To prevent the spread of infection we clean and sterilise all areas and equipment any child known to have an infectious illness has been in contact with
- Any food poisoning incidents are reported to Ofsted within 14 days.
- Parents are alerted if there are contagious illnesses in nursery, so they can spot the early signs and take appropriate action.
We have the right to refuse admission to any child who appears to be unwell, and this decision is non-negotiable.
Where head lice is concerned, we ask parents to check their child’s hair regularly and report head lice occurrences to nursery immediately.
In any instances of Meningitis, the nursery will contact the infection control nurse (IC) for the area and other appropriate authorities will also be alerted. We ask that parents do not send children to nursery if they know them to be unwell.
If they are on antibiotics children should not attend nursery for the first 48 hours (unless the antibiotics relate to a medical condition e.g. asthma
In rare instances we may need to arrange for immediate transportation to hospital. If this situation occurs, we will contact the parent/carer and arrange to meet you at the hospital. The child will be accompanied by the most appropriate member of staff, who will also take relevant documentation.
We endeavour always to promote good health and hygiene and we work to high standards of cleanliness to reduce the chances of infection spreading. We follow the guidance given by Public Health England in relation to infection control. Viruses are unavoidable at times and can easily be passed from person to person by breathing in air containing the virus or by touching the person carrying the virus.
- In order to minimise the spread of infection we implement the following procedures:
- Encourage children and staff to use tissues when coughing or sneezing to catch germs.
- Ensure tissues are disposed of hygienically and quickly and hands are washed.
- Parents/visitors must remove outdoor footwear or use shoe covers.
- Children should have slippers for indoor use.
- Staff are encouraged to stay at home if they have a contagious illness.
- Staff use personal protective equipment (PPE) when changing nappies, toileting children or dealing with bodily fluids. Staff dispose of items hygienically and ensure hands are washed.
- Cleaning routines are essential:
- Changing mats and potties are sterilised before and after each use and toilets are cleaned at least daily and checked throughout the day.
- Children are reminded to wash hands before eating, after visiting the toilet, playing outside or being in contact with animals, and they should be taught the reasons for this.
- Toys and equipment are cleaned and sterilised regularly, particularly toys used by babies who put toys in their mouths.
- Dummies are stored in named individual dummy pots to prevent any mix-ups or cross-contamination.
- Any dummy or bottle dropped on the floor or picked up by another child is cleaned and sterilised.
- Bedding should be personal to each child and labelled clearly. Bedding should be laundered at least weekly.
Periodically each room is deep-cleaned. Cleaning equipment is colour coded: BLUE – kitchen sinks, room sinks, tables and chairs. RED – toilets. YELLOW – bodily fluids (blood, urine, faeces).
The manager reserves the right to refuse admission to a member of staff, child or parent if they are deemed to be a risk to the welfare of o