
Potty training and Toileting Blog

08 Feb 2021

At Koala Day nursery we believe each child is unique and develops at thier own pace. If a child is still in nappies, we aim to change the children once during a morning session and once during an afternoon session. (once every 3 hours unless there becomes an immediate need to change again) 

No child is left in a soiled nappy. they are changed upon immediate effect.

If your child has reached the potty training stage of thier development, we will work with parents and carers to support them in this achievement.

Please see guidance in potty training below :

We encourage our children to be independant with thier hygeine routines, however, staff may support children to ensurethat basic hygiene standards are met.

For more information, please see our intimate care policy below or view full policy upon request in the nursery  

 Intimate Care


Children’s social and emotional development is paramount, and in order to develop they need contact with consistent, familiar carers, and to form strong emotional attachments. Intimate care routines are essential throughout the day to fulfil children’s basic needs. This may include nappy changing, toileting, dressing and undressing, medical and first aid treatment and specialist support if required. In order to maintain the child’s privacy, we will carry out the majority of these routines on a 1:1 basis, with the key person being the principal carer. On occasions where first aid is required, the responsibility is passed to a qualified first aider.   


In order to support practitioners in carrying out their duties, and to respect the child we will put in place the following:

  • Consistent relationships through the key person structure, which is clearly communicated to all parents and carers.
  • Up to date DBS checks and training for all staff.
  • Communication and closely with parents to ensure the child’s needs are identified and understood, particularly where there are specific requirements.
  • Staff training will be comprehensive and cover all aspects of care routines.
    • Staff observations will be carried out regularly to identify additional training needs and assess practice.
    • Staff are trained on all aspects of safeguarding including spotting signs of abuse and understanding what to document and when.
  • Independence in toileting is always encouraged however staff will take responsibility for supporting and checking children after toileting to ensure basic hygiene is maintained.
  • Ensuring staff and parents are aware of the procedures for complaining and raising concerns.

Parents are invited to express any concerns about care routines, including intimate care, at any time.