Koala day Nursery strives to provide a routine and structure for the nursery day while the children are in our care. The nursery routine is outlined in the link below.
Whilst the nursery routine can give some structure to the day and provide an outline and expectation for parents and carers, flexible routines take into account your child’s natural rhythm, but are also set within a structured framework.
Hence the nursery day can be modified to suit the needs of our children from day to day.
On the initial induction meeting between staff and parents/carers, information will be collated about sleep patterns, eating habits and toileting routines.
This information provides us with a starting point and staff at Koala Day Nursery work with parents/carers to provide a safe and secure envioronment for the child.
Please see nursery routine outline below:
Child led activities
Adult led activities
Koala Day Nursery Routine outline .
7.00am: Welcome children into Koala nursery (Sanitise or wash children’s hands, support putting belongings away and exchange information from parents)
7.15 am: Register
7.25 am- 8:00am: Breakfast club
8:00am- 9:00 am: Indoor Child led free play
9:00-9:15 am: Welcome morning am children nursery (Sanitise or wash children’s hands, support putting belongings away and exchange information from parents)
9:15am-9:30am Review register, circle time, good morning song
9:30am-10:30 am: Adult focused activity in key children groups
10:30am-11:00 am: Rolling healthy snack
11:00am-11:45 am: Outdoor play
11:45am-12:00am: Story time/ Rhyme time
12:00am: AM children leave
Lunch for children who are staying, Washing hands
12:30pm: Lunch ends and afternoon children coming in (sanitising their hands upon arrival)
Review register, circle time, good morning song
12:40- 1:30pm: Outdoor physical play
1:30- 2:30 pm Indoor child led free play
2:30 pm-2:45pm : Tidy up
2:45pm- 3;15 pm :Adult focused activity in key children groups
2:45- 3:00pm: Adult led Story time or rhyme time
3:30pm Afternoon children leave
3:30pm-4:30 pm Group activities, Music and movement,
physical activities and circle games.
4:30-5:15pm: Afternoon Tea
5:15-5:40 pm : Free reading and child led puzzles / Rhyme time / Goodbye song
5:40-6:00: Tidy up, wash hands and adults set up for next day
6:00pm: Children Leave
The nursery routine is subject to change from time to time to reflect children's needs and business needs.